简介:A seemingly ordinary girl, Ada Niezgódka, finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. Wi
简介:Ada?, a young, lonely and generally unhappy small-town policeman, who is in love with Wanessa. But she ignores him, just like pretty much everyone els
简介:An action crime comedy set in the last days of communism in Poland, a story of folk-hero thief, who escaped 29 times from cops. Naymro was living on h
简介:20世纪80年代的波兰,医学院青年实习生威特克(Boguslaw Linda 饰)急于搭乘火车前往另一个城市。当他赶到车站时,火车已经开动。威特克奋力追赶,命运由此分出三条支流。
简介:The protagonist of the film is a young boy named Kuba who, due to his seriously ill sister, decides to get a quick cash by taking part in illegal car