简介:本剧是BBC基于《A Very English Scandal》打造诗选类剧集,考虑到故事背景变化,续作重命名为《A Very British Scandal》。故事将讲述英国上层阶级遭遇的丑闻危机。 新故事背景为苏格兰,聚焦1963年阿盖尔公爵夫人Margaret Campbell的性丑闻事件。
简介:在一座古老的阴森恐怖的坟场中,经常发生一些莫名其妙的惨案,令人百思不得其解。这天,麦克(A.麦克•鲍德温_A. Michael Baldwin 饰)最好的朋友不幸也在坟场中遇害了。伤心欲绝的麦克发誓一定要为朋友报仇,于是他决定深夜前往坟场找出朋友遇害的秘密。于是这天夜里,麦克偷偷潜进了坟场。半夜过后
简介:After troubled teen Katie is sentenced to house arrest, she falls for an attractive young man named John who has just moved in next door. While their
简介:The protagonist, after years spent in war-torn Syria, decides to return to Italy, to finally put behind his terrible experiences, and regain his life.